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Lindsay Coulter

How Lifelong Learning And Cutting Out The Noise Can Move You Into Your Vision Of Success

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“What kind of human do you feel like being in the future?”

So often, in life, we think of success a certain way. What career we end up in, what home we own, what cars we drive all seem rather important when someone asks you to think about your future. But Lindsay took us down a very different road in this episode.

Join us as Lindsay and Alan sit down and discuss…well…everything, basically! From owning a Yoga business in university to struggling to find a co-op placement as a geographer. Learning how to work her network and trusting herself enough to head down an entirely new career path. Lindsay tells us how she found herself in photography (somewhere she never thought she’d be), some of the most inspiring people in her life, and even Roger (the bulldog!) gets a bit of spotlight.

Lindsay is an Entrepreneur Extraordinaire, as Alan so eloquently deems her, and her life experience in fascinating. She is a person who takes things as they come, runs with the things she loves and that work, and let’s the failures be a stepping stone to the next ‘thing’. Always moving forward, always learning, and never losing sight of who you want to be. And we even get a sneak into what’s next for Lindsay Coulter!

Listen in and you’re sure to leave feeling completely inspired! (And possibly wanting to buy Hawaiian shirts for your dog. Or…wanting to buy a dog to then buy Hawaiian shirts for.)

About Our Guest

Lindsay Coulter is an internationally acclaimed wedding and lifestyle photographer based out of Waterloo, Ontario. In 2017, she was named one of the Top 25 Wedding Photographers in Canada by Weddingbells Magazine. Lindsay is a serial entrepreneur, starting businesses in yoga, retail, and photography. In 2015, Lindsay produced ‘Startup Community’, a documentary about Waterloo Region startup and entrepreneurship ecosystem.