Steve Farlow
Steve Farlow, Interim Executive Director of the Lazaridis Institute for the Management of Technology Enterprises, joins AQ to discuss Wilfrid Laurier University's LaunchPad, the Lazaridis Institute and entrepreneurship. Thanks to a generous gift of $20MIL by Mike Lazaridis, Laurier (WLU) was able to transform its business school to address a serious economic problem.
Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott
When Don and Alex Tapscott began writing “Blockchain Revolution”, not a single bank was investing in the revolutionary technology. Now virtually every company in the financial services industry is investing heavily as they realize this new technology is the second generation of the internet - the “internet of value”.
WordStream's Larry Kim
How does a young guy from Winnipeg become the founder of the leading search marketing software company? Answer: A lot of hard work, an undying drive for success and a lot of time spent working with the free wifi at Panera Bread. Larry Kim joins us to share his story of going from a University of Waterloo student to building a successful business that manages over half a billion dollars in ad revenue worldwide.
Author Brian Solis
Top digital analyst, futurist and award-winning author, Brian Solis joins Alan to share the inspirations and aspirations behind his new book, X: The Experience When Business Meets Design.
Plum.io Co-Founder Caitlin MacGregor
Plum.io co-founder Caitlin MacGregor joins Alan to discuss how Plum is revolutionizing the way organizations hire. Using big data and analytics it produces a scientifically-proven method of predicting future outcomes. This significantly reduces time spent reading resumes, interviewing the wrong candidates and training hires that don’t fit.
Guy Kawasaki
Guy Kawasaki joins Alan once again to talk about how technology has democratized so many industries, from design to commerce to knowledge, and to talk about his new role of evangelist at Canva. Guy also divulges who has influenced him the most over the last few years as he wrote his hit books The Art of the Start 2.0 and Enchantment.
Ginny Dybenko, Executive Director, UW Stratford
Ginny Dybenko, executive director at the University of Waterloo - Stratford Campus, came on AQ’s Blog & Grill to talk about the new digital media programs at the Stratford Campus and about the Stratford Accelerator Centre. Ginny wants to see artists following their passion, mixing the right amount of technology into their skill set and finding a career that keeps them in the Waterloo region.